Sunday, April 10, 2011

Improved Cooking Stoves Campaign Against Deforestation ( ICOSCAD)

The ICOSCAD project has trained 20   students volunteers from National University of Rwanda, who are campaigning against deforestation and environmental degradation in GISAGARA District by training 130 local leaders in 
environmental protection and improved cooking stoves construction.

This campaign intends also to construct 39 improved cooking stoves for most vulnerable families as the samples, which will help community to construct others for themselves 

SR-YO Environmental protection teaching sessions around National University of Rwanda

SR-YO Participating in monthly community work in different villages surrounding National University of Rwanda in order to teach local population about environmental protection and how they can react on climate change.

SR - YO Weekly discussions at the National University of Rwanda

A Talk on GIS & environment by MIT student from USA (February, 2011)
SR - YO Welcomes everyone to come up with any topic related to youth or development to be discussed and published in our Newspaper Geosatellite. Every Saturday we meet at 5:00PM in the Campus Main Building, Room A30. Don't miss out the chance to chat with campus' greatest thinkers!